Saturday, April 29, 2006

Jose can you see.

If you are in this country illegally, why do you feel you have any legal rights? Last I checked the US constitution doesn't apply in Mexico, Cuba, Portugal, or Peru. I get why the Hispanics are pissed off. I would be pissed too if I wasn't being treated the same as my fellow citizens. So if I was in Mexico I would be asking for equal rights with those illegals in the US. The problem I have with the whining is that Illegal aliens aren't citizens of this nation. If you want to protest, protest about how your own government squashes your rights so bad that you need to escape to this nation. Don't scream at me that you need amnesty because you ran away from oppression and snuck into my country in the back of a van. What a slap in the face of all those who went through the proper channels and became legal residents of this country. Chances are, the $2.50 your getting paid to pick strawberries is a kings wage in the country you came from. Consider yourself lucky that your child is in school getting a free education that I'm paying for since you don't pay taxes. If you were still in your own nation your kid would be right there with you harvesting coffee or pot at your side. Chances are you're making more money under the table than those poor people who have to work at Taco Bell and loose half their wages in taxes while supporting their three kids and yours. Be careful what you wish for.

I don't see how we can grant a blanket amnesty for these people. And when the fuck did it become OK to cater to illegals to get their fucking vote? Have politicians really become that desperate for votes that they want to recruit more voters in order to tip the scales in their favor. Here's a tip to those of you reading shit like this in D.C. Start caring about the people who already have the ability to vote. What the fuck is next? Let me about recognizing Al Qaeda as a major political party and putting Osama in the White House just because they demand to be citizens.

If I still lived in LA I would be fucking furious that the legislature in California is taking the day off in support of this retarded nonsense. The sick part is that these asshole politicians are getting paid for the day. What the fuck!?! I would be on the front steps asking them where the fuck they get off pulling that kind of bullshit. When you make two dollars an hour and you decide not to go to work, you're making a statement. When you make in excess of a hundred grand per year and take a personal day you still get paid for you're just a hypocrite asshole. Especially if you are my elected official. After all, my taxes are paying for your fucking day off dickhead.

Seriously, lets say that we did grant you all amnesty and make you citizens. After all, you do work hard for very little wages and there needs to be some reward for that. I recognize that the jobs you do have value and help make our economy run. The only reason you're here is because my fellow greedy countrymen are breaking the law by employing you. After you become citizens and demand higher wages what do you think will happen? You new countrymen will fire you and hire more illegals who show up looking for work the way you did. You wont even have your tax free two dollars anymore. So you'll end up in the same boat as the rest of us, you'll be working at the local hotel, restaurant, or stocking shelves at the local market and paying to send the next round of illegal children to school while your newly acquired right to vote goes to waste on people that only pretended to listen.

Last I checked the official language of this country is English. So unless you're a tourist learn to communicate with the locals please. I know English is a convoluted language. I was relegated to studying it for fourteen years of my life and I still suck at implementing it. I think that Spanish is a more beautiful sounding language and is conceptually easier to learn. If I ever decide to become a citizen of another nation I would definitely learn the language. It just makes good sense.

Oh yea...If you're trying to become a part of the team, don't insult the teams fight song by changing the words and butchering their tradition. It's not a good way to make yourself a welcome member of the group.


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