Saturday, April 15, 2006

Happy tax day.

I don't understand why...
I should get a deduction for being married.
I get to deduct the interest on my home.
others get to deduct their children.

It seems backwards to me. If you can afford your own home, kids, and a spouse then you should NOT get the tax break. It's the folks that are struggling along that need the help, not people like me who have made it. Those of you out there who are single and living by yourselves have my deepest sympathy. The majority of you probably live in a crappy apartment where you probably pay more for your rent than I do for my mortgage. You poor folks have to stretch your budgets to make the ends meet. It's always easier to make it as a couple. You can consolidate your money and make it go further. Sometimes, if you're lucky like me, you and your significant other get paid on alternating weeks and can use that to take care of those things that pop up out of the blue. Just these two little things can mean the difference between sinking and swimming.

I have two words for the pricks who run this country. FLAT TAX. I want an overly simplified tax system. I want every person/corporation to pay the same percentage of income tax. Say fifteen percent or so. NO deductions. No IRS. Just take the money and be done with it. That way, when a politician says they're not going to raise taxes and the tax goes up to 16% we can call him/her a liar and they won't be able to deny it. No one can complain if we all pay the same. It's the way it should be and seems tremendously easy to set up. 99% of the time the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) method is the best. I've heard arguments that the middle and lower class will suffer but I think that it's all a smoke screen. I don't believe the uppity-ups in D.C. want a flat tax because it will eliminate their ability to hide the money trail that leads to them. I believe that a flat tax, all by itself, will eliminate much of the fucking bullshit that goes on in our nations capitol. It should be our mission to get this passed into law. Of course, I'm just one of the retarded masses who can't see the big picture and is incapable of making my own decisions or accepting responsibility for them.

In the interim, may your deductions be plentiful and all your refunds be whoppers.


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