Sunday, July 01, 2007

Goal Post.

I've decided that I need to set goals for myself. All I'm probably doing is setting myself up for failure, but I feel the need to start doing this. It seems that my life is, more or less, in a holding pattern right now and there is a need to break out. Maybe I need to start making lists. I've tried this before and it didn't seem to work. I just ended up with little pieces of paper with unaccomplished tasks laying around everywhere. Most of the time it just made me feel like shit. However, in the last year or so, I've managed to make large strides in the battle against my lazy DNA. But it feels like I've only scratched the surface. So I got to thinking...What would make me get more done? Lists seem like the answer. This time I'm not going to write them on paper though. I'm going to write them here and use you (my faithful 2.5 or so) readers to give me shit and keep me on the ball. So hereto and forthwith I declare my first post of every month my "Goal Post." It will be your job as my personal naggers to give me rations of shit every month for not accomplishing my goals. Then maybe (out of shame) I might get more done.

So here is my first list of things that I vow to have D. O. N. E. by my next goal post.

1. The toilet fill that I have yet to fix. I've had the part to repair it for almost two months. (I'm sure I've paid for enough water to buy two more of these little units.)

2. The interior of my VW bus will be completed. (providing I can get the materials I need)

3. I can barely walk in my garage and it's time for me to do some serious spring cleaning.

4. I will vacuum my house at least once per week instead of once per month.

5. The links on the side of my page here need to be updated. Blog maintenance is in order.

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Dude! That's not much of a list." but I assure you that it is. The interior of my van represents at least four full days worth of work and the mess I've made out of my garage is going to take another two. And if you take into consideration that I have to go out of town for a week at the end of the month, it leaves me very little time to goof off. So polish up your biting reprimands because this blog just got a little more interactive.



Blogger jayfish said...

dude, can't you knock out that toilet fill thingy in an hour or so? what are you waiting for?'s that?

(btw, vacuuming once a week is overkill, i'd say once every 2 weeks should be your goal.)

12:00 AM  
Blogger Katherine said...

Dang, good luck with all that! Sounds a little ambitious to me but who knows? Everytime I set goals I somehow lose my list and convince myself it's OK because I probably (not) did everything on it anyway.

4:18 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

Sounds like a plan!

5:15 PM  
Blogger zerodoll said...

hey, didn't you also say you would quit smoking? :) just trying to be helpful...

2:25 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

Have you cleaned your garage or fixed the toilet yet?

10:08 AM  
Blogger Glenn said...

Good job Jay. Just what I was looking for. And once a week is more of a need when you live in the Georgia woods.

LOL Katherine.

I did say that Zero. I have to save something for future goals. (OK, OK, so I'm putting it off.)

No I haven't Jane.

11:30 PM  
Blogger Glenn said...

Update comming.

12:34 PM  

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