Friday, February 23, 2007

Auto update.

Here I go again. I seem to be stuck in the whole car thing again. I've been trying to get away from this but failing miserably.

OK so the bus isn't done yet. I wasted my whole three day weekend deciding if I should buy another car to get me by. I agonized and almost did it (even considered the VanGo option). After a three day deliberation I decided that I'm going to get mine done if it kills me. I have given myself two weeks to get it on the road. In the mean time, I'll be renting cars for my work week. and I just have to tell you about what I got for a rental.

When I made the reservations, all I wanted was a basic econobox. Just a motor and wheels was all I was looking for. After I arrived to pick it up, they upgraded me to a mid level sedan and it is, by far, the biggest piece of crap that I've ever driven (this thing has a PT beat hands down PJ). Everything I touch on the inside feels like it's going to break. The engine is so loud that I thought it was a diesel at first. When you hit a bump the whole thing rattles and feels like it's going to fall apart. The steering wheel is made in a plastic mold and has a ring around the outside circumference like a cheap Frisbee and it makes you feel like it's going to give you a paper cut. The automatic transmission can't decide which gear it wants to be in. It sounds like the engine is going to die when you turn the defrost on. It is truly a pathetic automobile. Oh yea, and it's brand spanking new. It had a total of seven miles on it when I picked it up. I'm certain that my forty year old rickety bus will be a vast improvement.

If someone gave me this Chrysler Sebring I would sell it for whatever I could and get a Yugo or something.


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