Breaking the rules.
When we arrived in Tunica, we had two immediate goals. First, we had to locate L's favorite slot machine in our favorite casino. She loves this machine and I can understand why. It's paid her off every time. Last time it gave her almost 3K. We had a $25 dollar coupon that we were going to give to THGLC (The Human Good Luck Charm) if he managed to make the trip with us and we also had a coupon for a free dinner buffet. So we burned through our free twenty five bucks and had a fabulous (always tastes batter when it's free) buffet. Our second goal was to get me signed up for the WSOP (World Series Of Poker) tournament at another casino. I plopped down my three hundred bucks and we were off to check in at our own hotel. Our plan was to get nice and toasty while playing at our base of operations ad do the serious gambling the next day.
After check in, we went our separate ways. She bolted to the slots and I to the poker room. Neither one of us did any good. I played $3/$6 limit hold-em and got beat like a red headed step child. Limit games are lame. Whatever skill is involved in poker is not a factor in limit games. You can't bluff any one out of a pot. You can't raise enough to scare anyone off their hand. Basically ever one throws money in the pot and, after the last card is turned, a winner is declared. There is much more luck involved. I don't like it. It's not my game. I didn't want to play limit at all. They just didn't have a no limit game going on at the time. After the first night, L had lost over half of her money and I had half of mine tied up in the tourney I was to play the next day. After some excellent nookie,we retired for the night.
We woke up with renewed hope. Our breakfast was comped thanks to L's bad luck at the slots and her little electronic comp card. Things were looking up already. After breakfast we hauled over to the casino hosting the WSOP event. I sat and chain smoked while I waited for the thing to start. Once they announced the start of the event L headed for her favorite slot and I was on my own facing over six hundred opponents. I felt good about my skills and even better to be back in my no limit comfort zone. I made it through the first two blind intervals. I was blessed with good cards and cursed with bad flops. I was forced to go all in once and managed to double up my short stack. Alas, my good reads and ability were not enough to save me from bad luck though. My stack was dwindling and my final had went like this.
Ace of hearts King of clubs in late position. I push all in over the 100 chip blind with six hundred. Every one folds but one person. To call my bet he must risk half of his own chips. He calls with Jack of hearts and Ten of hearts. The flop is 7, K, K two are hearts. I have trip kings! The turn is the six of spades. I only need to dodge a heart in order to double up. The river is a 3 of hearts and my trip Kings with an Ace kicker goes down to his flush. My WSOP hopes are dashed. At least he had to think long and hard before he made the call. As far as I'm concerned, I did quite well for my first WSOP outing. I made all the right moves as far as I can tell. I made zero mistakes. Now If I could get some other luck besides the bad kind I'd be in fantastic shape.
So L picks me up and we head back to the casino where she has been playing here favorite slot. She's been up and down but almost even for the day. I retreat to the poker room once I get there. I sit down with my last hundred bucks. I play for a couple hours with this money. My last hand I had Ace King and again got chased down to the river where my opponent caught his flush to beat me. SOB! Twice I lost all my money like that. L was sitting behind me when I lost. She had gone down to zero as well.
We went back to home base dejected but happy we could get a good free meal before we checked out early and went home. We ate dinner and tipped the waiter with change from her purse. Refusing to die, she collected every last coin to trade for a grand total of two dollars cash. She went to the cashier and I followed. She traded her coins for paper (very few slots actually take or pay coins anymore). we walked around the casino and chose a machine to put our last two dollars cash. We settled one and turned our two dollars into five on our last spin. Cashing out, we rolled to the high limit slots, put our five bucks in, and WON!!! We hit a six thousand dollar jackpot!
That last part about the jackpot wasn't true. I just couldn't resist. No, we actually lost our last five dollars. We went to our room dejected. This is where we broke the cardinal rule of gambling. We decided to go to the ATM and get another one hundred dollars each. We went back to our favorite casino and I headed for the poker room and she for her slots. We must have been channeling THGLC because we made the comeback from hell. I turned my hundred bucks into four hundred and she hit a couple good spins. We quickly turned our measly two hundred bucks into one thousand between the two of us. We were still shy of what we brought and decided to head back to home base again with at least something. Once we arrived at our hotel we decided to get drunk playing quarter machines. We each took a hundred bucks and decided to sit in a heavily trafficked area in order to get our free drinks on. We played for hours and got really drunk. We kept on winning. After we were done we had some great drunken sex to cap everything off. It was the greatest comeback ever!
The net result. Minus gas. We came home with two hundred and eighty dollars more than we left with. The room was free, the food was free, and the gas was paid for with winnings. Sometimes rules are for breaking.
sounds like a good time!
hey you didn't put the nookie in the end result!
...And lets not forget (just for you Zero), mind blowing, earth shaking, neighbor waking, headboard knocking, roll off the bed, "Hey! Did you steal that bananna from the buffet?", laugh till you fall asleep, nookie.
Yea it was that good.
Now that's a fun time. I'm heading to Vegas this weekend. Of course, I don't gamble, but I like that my friend does and I somehow still get free beer. Works for me!
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