Saturday, January 13, 2007

Question of the week.

I liked the question of the week for the short time I asked it and, somewhere along the way, I stopped doing it. But now It's time to resurrect it again.

So in an effort to garnish comments from the few of you that actually frequent "the mad rambling of an airplane nut", I'm going to stick with my recent automotive theme and ask this.

What is/was you favorite conveyance (car, truck, bike, skateboard) and why?

I'm going to try to get away from this car junk. I promise!



Blogger Jane said...

When I was in grade school my two sisters and I got yellow, banana seat bikes for Christmas. They were beauties, even had little gold sparkles on the seat and a white basket with yellow flowers on the handle bars.
It was my all time favorite bike!

7:39 AM  

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