Sunday, January 07, 2007
Forgot how miserable quitting smoking is. I feel all icky and fidgetey. If I had a gun, I'd shoot the next Mo Fo that walked up to me. I told L that she needs to be patient with me because I'm a little snippy. (ubderstatement of the year) I've been cutting her short the last few days and haven't been my normal tolerant/laid back self. It better get better or I'm gonna jump off a cliff or end up divorced.
Kennedy Western University Online
So, I'm glad I'm only the next MOFO to comment on your blog and not the next MOFO to walk up to you in real life.
Try some gum, Dude.
Good luck - Ben O.
maybe you could try the nicoderm patch. it's cheaper than a divorce and better for you than jumping off a cliff!
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