Saturday, February 04, 2006

Multiple Choice

The system is broke. I need more than choice A and B. How do you pick when you always have to choose the lesser of two evils? What am I talking about? Politics. I believe that the party system is dead. There is no such thing as a Republican or a Democrat anymore. Having to choose between a guy who is on the "right" but more in the middle or on the "left" but more in the middle seems pointless. These guys are always chasing the poles. Who writes these poles? Have you ever read one? Man they are soooooo tricky in their wording that they can prove what ever they want to. It's amazing to watch members of political parties jump ship for the other party as an election time gets closer. It must piss off those that vote strictly down party lines when the great Dem they just elected changes hats about one year into his term. They need to get rid of the D and the R all together. We are educated and in touch enough in this information age to make an informed decision without the need of some dude saying he is a D or an R. Dude just tell me what the fuck you stand for, fill out an online questionnaire, and then I'll make my decision. You have to do your research though. You can't just take these idiots at face value. It's like the line Joe Pesci had in Lethal Weapon "They fuck you in the drive-thru!" You might order that Quarter Pounder at the speaker, but as you pull away you notice that the bastards gave you chicken nuggets with NO SAUCE! How do you take it back when you're already 5 miles down the interstate? It also needs to be easier to get these retards out of office when they make it clear that they don't belong there. If you can't form a complete sentence, you don't need to be the leader of the free world. If you lie in a court of law, you don't need to be the leader of the free world. I don't care who your dad was or who you boned in the oval office just get the job done and if you fuck up say "I fucked up." How can we change this? Does there need to be a revolution? It's too big for me to tackle in one posting. My thoughts are just running everywhere. Let me try and regroup.


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