Friday, December 30, 2005

Pick up line? Or just stupid rambling?

It has been a debate for centuries. Relationships have been tested to the very breaking point over the conflict because there are only two types of people in the world. You are either a cat person or a dog person. Sure one can argue they have no preference but, given a pet requirement by law or spouse (sometimes one and the same), say you had to choose. Which one? Can you tell a cat person from a dog person just by meeting them? Is it the answer to societies dating woes? Can you form a solid relationship based on the cat/dog issue alone? I propose that it can be a good starting point, and maybe a decent bar pick up line. Just walk up to your partner of choice and blurt out the cat/dog argument and you have a safe (maybe a little goofy) ice breaker that could spark a truly deep and meaningful conversation. I wish I would have thought of this when I was still single. If it actually works, I could have saved myself tons of wasted dates trying to break though the masks all dating people put on. We all do it when we're dating. We put up that front in an attempt to hide either our flaws or our true nature to impress a suitor. It's always best to let your mate know, from the beginning, what lies down the road. I've found that it's the little things that drive people mad in relationships. Maybe the cat/dog debate can save you some effort (LOL...Like anyone is actually reading this nonsense). If you attempt this line, let me know if it worked or if I'm a babbling idiot.

My take on the two types.

Cat people - sometimes quiet, reserved, proud, intelligent, independent, neat

Dog people - loving, loyal, boisterous, social, playful, protective

I love my cats.



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