Saturday, December 10, 2005

Sometimes it's nice to be stupid

This whole blog thing is new to me. Like poker, however, it has also become somewhat of an addiction. I find myself reading more and more blogs just for entertainment. Some of them, like , are fantastic. I feel like I should be paying them for the hours of entertainment they have given me lately. But after reading some of the posts of the truly gifted, my little crap box of a blog falls short. I have found, what seems to me, an advantage to being on a lower wrung of the intelligence ladder. It appears that I'm a more content human being than those that I perceive with an intellect higher than mine. Smart people seem to have more relationship issues and are tortured more by the stupidity of the world around them. They aren't willing to settle for just good enough when, somewhere in the back of their heads they KNOW they can do better. So in the quest for inner peace, I feel there is an advantage to being a little slower than some of my fellow humans. I now have a new found respect for those barn yard animals staring blankly at me from the other side of the fence.


I can't even seem to explain my point without sounding like an idiot. I give up. I need more sleep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sign up on technorati and you will get traffic and find blogs!

2:01 AM  

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