Thursday, December 08, 2005

What is it with women?

After getting my butt handed to me in the first round of poker I found myself talking to my favorite bartender Lisa. Before you get the wrong idea, she's my favorite because she's good at her job (really good). She just finished telling me that she hasn't been laid in three months. I can't see any reason why she has to ever go without getting some if she wants it. She is an attractive woman and I'm sure she gets hit on at least forty times a night as a bartender. When I asked her why she hasn't hooked up recently her reply was she needs to "really know" who she's sleeping with. My question back was "Why?"

Aren't women just as capable of using men as vice versa? Do we ever "really know" someone unless we've been with them for several years? I know you women out there pretend that you don't like sex as much as we do, but some of us men actually know better. Some of us know when you meet one that rocks your world in the sack you become little sex fiends. You justify 150 reasons to stay with the wrong person even though the relationship portion died months ago. I've known too many couples that had nothing in common but good sex. You know the types I'm talking about. They always have the most volatile relationships. They are the couples that are smacking the shit out of each other one minute and dry humping on your couch the next. You see them and ask yourself "Why the hell are these two idiots hanging out with each other?" Then you notice they just came out of the same bathroom together.

For crying out loud ladies! Once you get beyond a certain age, ohhhh say 23 or so, the bullshit games need to end and you need to start looking out for number 1. If you can use a guy for a booty call, and you're not interfering with another relationship, go for it! I bet not one guy who reads this will disagree to being used as a sex toy once or twice. The key is to let him know, before the deed, your exact intentions. Who knows, maybe a relationship will grow from the sexual starting point. Lets get real ladies. YOU are animals too. Every relationship has to be sexually compatible. Trying to force yourself to like someone, sexually (just because they're super nice), never works.



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