Saturday, November 01, 2008

Is it over yet?

This election crap is killing me. Most of you know my position on the political scene. This crap is getting sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo old. They've been running these campaigns for over two years now at the cost of billions of dollars. At least I'll have a break for two years until the next one. Our political process needs to change. After they get elected, they immediately forget who the hell they work for. I do hope Obama takes it. It'll be fun to see how things happen with the the Dems in charge of everything. I'm absolutely sure it'll be more of the same BS like bailing out bankers in spite of people calling in 100-1 against it. They chose to ignore the people and give our money to their banker buddies anyway.

I expect more of the same no matter who gets the job. It's like The Matrix. The electoral process is just a smoke screen they pull over our eyes to make us feel like we have some sort of control. Just the fact that it's getting "close" with only a few days to go proves my point. No one has changed anything. They're both saying the same things they've been saying since the beginning. For some strange reason though, the losers seem to be gaining ground. If Obama loses, I'll probably never vote again until we figure out how to take the money out of elections. As long as there's money involved, it will continue to be a sham. The founding fathers would be organizing another revolution about now.


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