Thursday, August 10, 2006

Back to the grind.

Nothing will make you more tired after a long break than waking up to the realization that you have to go to work again. I felt great for two whole weeks. I had a normal schedule for the first time in four years. For a while I felt guilty for wasting vacation without any specific plans to do something, but after a day or so I realized that vacations where you don't have to do anything are the best. One of my favorite lines from Office Space goes something like this, "I did absolutely nothing, and it was everything I thought it could be." (I love that movie.) While I did a ton of work around the house and in the garage, it never felt like work. I enjoyed it. It always feels better to get things done for yourself.

Vacation tidbits:

Wear jeans and long sleeves when welding big projects. Evidently a mig welder will give you a wicked sunburn. Either that or welding on a ninety degree day will literally cook you.

Even when you're 33 years old, getting caught in a summer storm and splashing in the puddles will make you giggle like a school kid.

Steaks grilled over charcoal are truly better than broiled in the oven. They just have that great smoky flavor you can't put in a bottle.

Insure two things when joining friends at a condo for the weekend. Especially when you and your wife are both randy. First, don't assume you will be getting your own room. Second, make sure there are no rent-a-cops to make you get out of the hot tub at 11:00 PM. If there is security, make sure you get in the tub before 10:57 PM.


Blogger Jane said...

"Even when you're 33 years old, getting caught in a summer storm and splashing in the puddles will make you giggle like a school kid"

Aww!! That's cute!

Sounds like you had a great time!
Welcome back to reality!

7:36 PM  

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