Monday, August 13, 2007

Not my fault.

In case some of you didn't know, I do most of my posting while I'm at work. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, L doesn't know about the blog and I'd like to keep it that way. I'm a little afraid to post from home. Second, I discovered blogs while bored at work. It's not that I'm slacking, it's just that there isn't much to do at my job when it gets late. My work is very simple most of the time. My job exists simply as a backup for when things go wrong. So when things are running smoothly, I have a bunch of down time to blog and catch up on reading other blogs.

Recently (last week sometime) we had our tech department come in and run some updates on our computers. Since that day I haven't had any Internet access at work. (Gotta love those tech guys!) This, consequently, caused me to already fail at one of this months goals. I haven't been able to post my question of the week. Part of the update they installed is the addition of password log-ons. They say that it's for added security but we all know that it is really just a way for big brother to track our computer habits. So now, even if I get my access back, I'll have to be careful about what I'm doing at work. I'm afraid that my all too infrequent posts will become even more infrequent. So bare with me as I work though this period of inactivity and find some other way to manipulate my schedule in order to get consistent blog time in.

There are also some other issues that I can't discuss now which might severely limit my ability to post. I'll update as soon as I can work some of this nonsense out.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Honey, you probably shouldn't...

So L and I are trying to get on top of our gym habits. We're also trying to drop a few pounds. Typically what happens to us on an annual basis is that we lose weight in the summer and pack it on during the winter. As we get older, it gets more difficult to shed our winter... insulation, so we've been trying to watch our diets as well. This summer we haven't done well in losing our winter weight. I've been making the effort and watching my caloric intake and so has L but there is one big difference between the two of us. She loves her sugar. Don't get me wrong, I like the stuff too, but I tend to enjoy my meals more than dessert. Which brings me to the point and this weeks question of the week.

How do you tell a woman that's sitting down in front of the TV with a bag of Oreos that it's probably not a good idea to eat the whole thing?

I personally never say anything anymore because, in thirty four years of life, I can't come up with a tactful way to do it. I realise sometimes we all need to self-medicate with some good old fashioned gluttony but I know that she's going to hate herself later for doing it. With my guy friends it would be easy. Something like... "Damn dude! I can hear you getting fatter." So is it possible to tell a woman that she might be making herself fat without setting off a nuclear estrogen bomb?

For the those of you (women) who are thinking that I'm a superficial pig (typical man), I would like you to know I still find L as sexy as ever and don't consider her fat by any stretch of the imagination.


Saturday, August 04, 2007

Goal Post 2

In my quest to become a more motivated individual, I must say that this goal post thing seems to be working. (For the most part anyway.) I'm happy to report that I accomplished four of my five goals for last month.

I fixed that toilet that Jay was bugging me about. Thanks for the motivation bro, I needed it.

Now I can officially call my bus "done." Complete with new, paint, interior panels (made from vinyl table cloths batting and plywood), a CD player (with speakers and everything), and a cup holder so I won't get shot the next time I get pulled over.

My garage is clean. I can walk from point to point with out dodging tools, trash and other crap that I tend to leave around when working out there.

Earlier this month I updated the links to other bloggers on the side of this page.

My one failure this month was in the vacuuming department. Despite my vow to do it once per week, I only managed to do it once for the entire month.

So here are my August goals.

1. Vacuum my house at least once per week. I vow this will be the last time this finds its way into my goal post. I just have to nip this in the bud.

2. Post a "Question of the week" at least once per week. So look out for it and call me out if I fail.

3. Rehang the front door on the house so it will close properly. Currently I can only get it to stay shut with the dead bolt.

4. Locate a suitable vehicle to replace L's current ride which is showing signs of imminent death. This requires interaction with car salesmen and, personally, I'd rather pull my teeth out with pliers than deal with these vultures.

5. I'm trying to become more involved with the local VW club. Currently we meet at the local Sonic once per month. All of the members in local VW community seem to agree that there needs to be a decent show in the Atlanta area so I've charged myself with scouting potential locations for a full blown VW extravaganza to be hosted by our local club.

6. Read one of the two books dad gave me a couple months ago. I just had to put an easy goal in here so I can feel like I got something done when I give my progress report next month.

7. This is going to be the hardest one. I will go to the gym at least three times a week for this entire month.

Please feel free to wish me luck or give me a ration of shit. After all, that's what the comment button is for.


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